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The society held its first official exhibition in Parabanks in 1980 with 32 members exhibiting 101 paintings, followed by several country exhibitions, including wineries and other showings.


The 1983 the Society participated in the formation of the Salisbury Family Art and Craft fair for the Salisbury Council, under the guidence of former Mayor, Mr David Plumridge, with activities to be held on the banks of the creek behind Parabanks.


Paintings were hung on borrowed stands at the Council Gallery, then transported by truck to the Exhibition site. It was a complete nightmare, with stands blowing over in the wind etc, Memorable but not repeatable.


The next four years were different and marked the start of a long and happy association with the Parabanks Centre Management, During the 1980s the Society's Annual Exhibitions became a well established tradition with both the Members and the general public looking forward to it.


The Society became an incorporated body with its Constitution in 1986, also taking part in the Jubilee 150 Celebrations that year.


For many years, the Society struggled to find a permanent home, finding temporary placements in Church halls, School rooms and Kindergardens, as well as private homes.


The society today is in a great place, supported by the Council and it would be remiss if acknowledgement wasn't given to the incredible efforts of Rosemari Willis Anderson, a committed Member and Past President.

 The society itself stands as it is today due to her endless efforts and fighting spirit.


The Salisbury Society  40 years later still stands for "fostering the arts in the Salisbury area, with emphasis on the art of Painting and Drawing in particular", and still to this day provides regular workshops and includes paid guest artists for its members and for the general public, with tutorials, demonstrations in a wide range of mediums.


The Salisbury Society is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the Creative Visual Arts. The diversity of members and their talents alone could take more than one lifetime to marvel at; all they have accomplished and brought to the community.

A true South Australian gem to be celebrated.




2021 - The Salisbury Society is now chaired by the following residing Committee:


President : Melissa/Missy Polson

Vice President: Fay Jeanes

Secretary: Joanne Gray 

Treasurer:  Nikky Levinge

Librarian: Natalie Sienniak

Committee Member: Kim Van Dokkum (Founding/Life Member)

Committee Member: Penny Verco









SAS Constitution PDF

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